New Castle SEO can help every small business be bigger – that simple.
But how do you use search engines to correctly find more leads and business?
It’s not the easiest thing, right?
But we can narrow things down to a few simple tips and steps that you can take for better SEO visibility. And, these are affordable, simple and give real returns on your investment.
SEO starts with a correct website
A business website involves having more than a simple brochure website online. One page websites look great, but a boring, templated single page of not-so-valuable content hurts more than helps.
Websites are not simply places to contact you. Your business website to be places that show you, your brand, your abilities, your connection to Western Pennsylvania, and your overall authority in your industry. This all cannot be done with a one page, white background piece of ‘contact me now’ type of layout and design.
Correctly structure your website for the right SEO
Every business website needs a few pages. Below, let me show you each to see if you are using them correctly.
The contact page should have a form where possible leads can send information via email. Likewise, you should list your physical address, phone number, email address and any social media links to your profiles.
The about me page should show your brand with a deeper explanation of why you do business in New Castle, and of the people that work with you. You can list company history and other notable pieces of information that builds rapport with visitors to your website.
A services page(s) can be basic with brief description and possible images, or complex and long (with subpages to go with it). There is no set amount of pages you should use, but at least one page describing how your business does business in New Castle matters.
A terms of service page is more or less a legal agreement between you and visitors. Google not only recommends this page, but requires it.
Your privacy policy page outlines how you protect end users’ data while they visit your website. Now, New Castle and Pennsylvania are not in the EU. But, your website still has to follow some data privacy concerns in the GDPR. Just like the TOS page, without a privacy policy page, Google won’t love you.
The last section of your website that will help Google is having a blog. New articles and new content will help your New Castle business SEO shine.
Now, let’s talk about how.
Let me tell you something…
Having a website is about content. You can use storytelling, clear direction, and a mix of technical description with figurative explanation.
Content creation is what Google and other search engines love. With each piece of content, you need to ask yourself these questions about the content you are deploying:
- Does this showcase my brand’s services and features for New Castle PA residents?
- Is the content relevant to my brand in topic for search engines?
- Would a person using search engines in and around New Castle ask this, or need this answer?
- Is this content relevant in timing and uniqueness?
Your small business SEO also involves things not on your website
Your website is your business. Branded content will let Google rank your pages and your website for your New Castle business higher and higher.
But content creation is only part of the equation.
The other major part of ranking in Google is link building. Links are in a direct tie with content for what Google uses to rank your New Castle business in its search engine.
Links and link power for SEO explained
How do links help with small business SEO?
First, you need to understand that not all links are the same. In fact, links are closely related to the same type of methodology used for content that Google uses:
Contextual relevance will always outweigh everything else.
Contextual relevance means that there is a direct connection to the topic of the website. This exists beyond local SEO and small businesses in New Castle. This is for EVERY website on the internet.
If you are a landscaper working in New Castle, your SEO power is valued by your content and links involving the landscaping, home care and Western Pennsylvania. If you are an insurance agent in New Castle, your SEO power comes from discussing insurance-related topics in and around Lawrence County.
Proper links to a law firm in New Castle do not come from ESPN, Parenting Magazine nor FoodTV websites.
“So where do I get links from for my website’s SEO?”
Start with building local SEO links. Start with Google Business listings. Start by getting your Yahoo! Local, Yelp, Manta and other local business directory listings created.
Then, move onto your social media profiles. Get your Facebook page linked to your website, your Twitter profile, your Instagram account and YouTube (among others).
Google likes matching regional links. Google likes matching industry links. Google likes authority links.
If a link you have created matches one area, great! If a link matches two of those three, then even better. If you can build a link that matches the New Castle area, with the industry your business is in, with a website of great authority, then your SEO will be rewarded.
Adding content and links for the best New Castle SEO
Let’s put everything together.
First, your business needs a website. And, not just any website. But a proper business website, with the right pages, for the best SEO.
Next, you need to create content that Google will love. Your content should prove your New Castle business’s authority, and all content should match your industry and region. Your created content should be fresh, original and authenticate for who you are.
Finally, your New Castle business SEO rests on building links. Links are a simple way to build context between your business website, your brand and the outside world.
Link building and content are the two largest ways that Google will rank your New Castle business.
One final note, SEO takes some time. You will not rank #1 in New Castle overnight. Not every Pennsylvania business ranks fast, or at all without continuous effort. But, with patience and growing content and links, will lead your business into a page one spot.
If your New Castle SEO is simply letting you down, send me an email to schedule a meeting today. We’ll schedule out an hour, to talk about your brand, how your website can work for you, and how I can help – and that conversation will be my free gift to you!